Thursday, August 7, 2008

Four weeks down...

So, four weeks of medical school down and I'm thinking, "Hey, I can do this, no sweat!" So I've decided maybe I'll tack on a Masters degree in Anatomy for good measure. We'll see. Classes haven't really started in earnest just yet, so we'll see in a few weeks once they do.

Right now we're doing a lot of the "softer" sciences- we've been studying public health, health disparities, epidemiology, biostatistics, ethics...that kind of stuff. I'll admit it, I can't friggin wait to start the real sciences. I can't do this soft science's just not in my genetic make-up to give a hoot about epidemiology. I've got a mutation in my "cares about medical ethics" allele. Once, we did something pretty cool, when we talked about epigenetics as the mediator of environmental influences on health outcomes. The rest has all been hogwash.

I have found a special place deep in the frothy, bile-encrusted, black core of my gut for biostatistics. It's a very short list of things that rank lower on my "how I oughta spend my free time" list. Violent vomiting comes to mind. I'll get back to you with the rest.

On a positive note, we absolutely love Cleveland. Yeah, yeah, the humidity sucks, and no, no, we're not gonna stay here forever, but the city is gorgeous and the people are (sorta) friendly. We couldn't ask for a nicer apartment or street to live on, we've got some great friends (DJ and Jen, that's you, if you ever read this), and Laura seems to like her new job. So while we left our hearts in Denver (be sure to wear a flower in your hair), Cleveland will do as a surrogate of sorts. I'll post some pictures on here shortly.


JakieWakie said...

You have a blog?! I just now found out, when I saw Colt checking out the Team Moffitt blog. I wish I had known sooner.

I'm adding yours to a sidebar in my blog. Be proud.

Chrissy said...

Hey Gable! It's Chrissy... from heeeecka days ago! I'm so glad you guys have a blog. I enjoy your writing style and hearing how you're doing...

I also enjoy the sound of The Chili Peppers when I come on to read.

Anonymous said...

I too enjoy sound of chili peppers,
Its lovely.
I enjoy your writing style and hearing how you're doing...

Naton wide cash is easy and fast

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
