Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Med School Interviews

Well, the months of working and forking out piles of cash are finally paying off. At the end of October, I'm going to be interviewing at 3 different medical schools in 8 days. First of all, I'll be heading off to Providence, Rhode Island for an interview at the Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University. From what I've heard, Providence and Brown are absolutely awesome, so I'm excited to go see the area and ask some more questions about the school. Jimmy, a friend of mine, really wants to go to Brown for Grad school, so he's been pretty jealous.

Just a couple days after returning from Rhode Island, I'll be flying out to Cleveland to interview at Case Western Reserve University. Luckily, I've got an old lab friend whose in med school there, so he's gonna let me crash on his couch for a couple nights while I'm there.

I come home from Cleveland just in time to turn around and fly back out to Galveston, Texas, where I'm interviewing for a spot in the MD-PhD program. Most people think I'm crazy for wanting to turn 4 years of professional school into 7, but I'd really like to research emerging infectious diseases in the BSL-4 lab being built down there.

My medical interests include neurosurgery, infectious disease, and otolaryngology. If I get accepted to the MD-PhD route, I'll be locking myself in on a microbiology/immunology PhD, so that would mean I'll end up working in the field of infectious disease. Be that the case, I'd like to work for the CDC as a physician on an epidemic response team, flying out to remote parts of Africa to respond to Ebola outbreaks, or helping the federal government respond to future bioterror events.

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